COVID-19 experience

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This is a diary for my COVID symptoms from May 16th-May 24th 2022. Translated from my original Chinese diary.

  • May 16th, day 0: Started to feel a mild discomfort in the throat. I was pretty sure I will get a sore throat next day. Took the first rapid test, returned negative.
  • May 17th, day 1: Got up with sore throat and fatigue. Took the second rapid test, returned negative. Around 3pm I started to develop a mild fever, 37.2°C (98.96 F). Took acetaminophen and slept the afternoon. Made an appointment for a PCR test on May 19th.
  • May 18th, day 2: Got up with sore throat. Fatigue was improved. Worked a bit. Start to have fever again around 5pm, 37.8°C (100.04 F). Tried to sleep and failed, thus played with cell phone. Developed cough around 8pm, mild. Got running nose, with mucus being watery and colorless.
  • May 19th, day 3: Got up with sore throat. Felt dizzy and still had coughing. At 10:30am took body temperature 37.7°C (99.86 F). Took acetaminophen. The amount of mucus increased in the nose, still watery. Might have fever but did not take temperature. Went for PCR test. Cough, sore throat and running nose persisted at night. Felt dizzy. Took body temperature again at 8:45pm, 37.7°C (99.86 F). Took acetaminophen.
  • May 20th, day 4: Got up with sore throat and cough. Developed stiff neck. Swet a lot the night before. Took body temperature at 8:30am 37.2°C (98.96 F). Took again at 10:30am, 36.8°C (98.24 F). Running nose persisted, watery with large amount of mucus. Fever returned at 4pm, 37.7°C (99.86 F). Not feeling much fatigue. Took acetaminophen. PCR test result returned positive. Took body temperature at 9pm, 36.7°C (98.06 F). Was not able to sleep until ~2am.
  • May 21st, day 5: Woke up at around 8am, with improved sore throat. Feeling weird in the eyes like having headeaches, but no headache. Sinus symptoms improved but cough did not. Still having running nose, watery, with sneeze. Took body temperature at 10:07am, 36.4°C (97.52 F), again at 1:20pm, 36.4°C (97.52 F), feeling tired, and again at 7pm, 36.4°C (97.52 F), still tired.
  • May 22nd, day 6: Most sympotoms are gone, still running nose and mild discomfort in the throat. Had mucus in throat. Took body temperature at 3pm, 36.2°C (97.16 F).
  • May 23rd, day 7: Still had running nose, mild, cough persisted.
  • May 24th, day 8: Still had cough, esp. after speaking.
  • June 5th, day 19: Still had some cough, much improved but still had it.

The original Chinese version:

  • 5.16:下午嗓子稍微有点不适,预感要嗓子疼,晚上第一次抗原快速测试,阴性
  • 5.17:早上起来确实嗓子疼,精神不好,快速抗原检测,阴性,下午约3点第一次发烧,37.2摄氏度,睡了一下午,吃了些扑热息痛,约了5.19的核酸检测
  • 5.18:早上起来依然嗓子疼,但精神好了很多,工作,下午5点开始第二次发烧,37.8度,遂睡觉,但睡不着,躺床上搓手机,约8点开始咳嗽,不严重,有一点鼻涕,透明,水样
  • 5.19:早上起来嗓子疼,头有些晕,咳嗽,10:30 am量体温37.7度,吃扑热息痛,鼻涕增多,水样,下午可能发烧,没测,去做了核酸检测,晚上继续咳嗽嗓子疼,鼻涕多,头晕精神不好,20:45pm量体温37.7度,吃扑热息痛
  • 5.20:早上起来依旧嗓子疼,咳嗽,脖子有些僵,出了很多汗,8:30am 体温37.2,10:30 am体温36.8,鼻涕水样,多。4:00pm体温再次37.7度,精神还好,吃扑热息痛。确诊阳性。9:00pm 体温36.7。睡不着觉,大约2am才睡
  • 5.21:8点多就醒了早上起来嗓子疼好了很多,眼睛有头痛是那种感觉,但是没头痛,鼻子没那么堵了,仍然咳嗽,但好转了一些,鼻涕依旧多,水样,有喷嚏。10:07am体温36.4。1:20pm体温36.4,疲倦。7:00pm体温36.4,依旧疲倦。
  • 5.22:早上起来症状大多消失了,稍微有点鼻子堵和咽部不适。下午嗓子有痰,鼻子还是堵的。3:00pm体温36.2。
  • 5.23:鼻子稍微有点堵,水样鼻涕,少许咳嗽
  • 5.24:鼻子还在堵,少许咳嗽,说话后会少许咳嗽